Johanna's Dimension:
Johanna and The Maverick's Quote War
Peter Wingfield vs. Tommy Lee Jones

My best friend, the Maverick, and I liked to occupy our time in class a couple years ago by passing a paper back and forth and exchanging quotes said in various places by Peter Wingfield and Tommy Lee Jones.  I'm still wondering how we passed sophomore English considering how little we paid attention in class....

Tommy Lee Jones: The Maverick
Peter Wingfield: Johanna

*The words in [brackets] are the title of the movie, in the case of Tommy Lee Jones, or the name of the episode in the case of Peter Wingfield.  I don't remember the names of all the episodes, but sooner or later (by virtue of bugging all my online friends), I will have them all down.  Enjoy! [Johanna]

*Girls yerself.  It ain't Christmas neither. [Lonesome Dove]
*I guess this will teach me to be more careful about what I promise in the future. [Lonesome Dove]

*I've had sixty eight, no sixty nine wives. [Highlander: Till Death]

*I didn't kill my wife! (Harrison Ford)  I don't care. [The Fugitive]
*Hey, Two-Face, show me how to punch a guy! (Jim Carrey)Well, it's easy.  Ball up the fist, reach way back, and assert yourself. [Batman Forever]
*It's called Massacre Under the Big Top! [Batman Forever]

*It's finally happened!  You've lost.  Your mind! [Highlander]

*I'd go there in a day if I could sprout wings and fly. [Lonesome Dove]
*Anybody got nine bucks? [US Marshals]
*Bwak, bwak, bwak! [US Marshals]
*Someone get me out of this chicken suit! [US Marshals]
*I ain't ugly. [Back Roads]

*I'm too old for this. [Highlander]

*Who's got my clothes? [US Marshals]

*If you die, Amanda will be free to date. [Highlander]

*My, my, my, my, what a mess. [The Fugitive]

*MacLeod, your pants are falling down! [Highlander]

*Ladies, you spoil us. [Batman Forever]
*You can't expect me to believe that I'm ugly.  Hell, I'm not ugly. [Back Roads]

*Who were you expecting, the Easter Bunny?  I'm just a guy, Joe. [Highlander]

*I'm the tooth fairy. [Back Roads]

*I am Methos.  You live to serve me. [HL: Comes a Horseman]

*I assure you, you have been a larger pain in the ass. [The Client]

*Well, who the hell is Chubby Checker in the grand scheme of things anyway?  I mean, I know how tall Nero was, Caesar's favorite food, I know Helen of Troy didn't have that great a face, and it only launched a hundred ships, not a thousand... [HL: Comes a Horseman]

*Is walk-in hyphenated? [The Client]

*I think they love me. [HL: Comes a Horseman]

*No more curtains.  1 and 2, just plain curtains! [Batman Forever]

*The answer is yes...oh, yes. [HL: Comes a Horseman]

*It's hot as hell down here! [Volcano]

*Remember Highlander: live, grow stronger, fight another day. [HL: Methos]

*Your code name is Roadrunner? (Commander Krill) Yeah, because I've never been caught.  Meep meep! [Under Siege]

*We make a good team, Joe.  Like...Mulder and Scully! [HL: Indescretions]

*Let's see if you bleed green. [Batman Forever]

*No, it's not enough!  I killed, but I didn't just kill fifty, I didn't just kill a hundred...I killed a thousand.  I killed ten thousand!  And I was good at it...And it wasn't for vengeance.  It wasn't for greed.  It was because-I liked it.  Cassandra was nothing.  Her village was nothing.  Do you know who I was?  I was Death...Death!  Death on a horse.  When mothers told their children that the monster would get them, that monster was me.  I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night.  Is that what you want to hear?  The answer is yes...oh, yes.  [HL: Comes a Horseman]

*You'll be busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. [Under Siege]

*Do the words "obsessive-compulsive" mean anything to you? [HL: Indescretions]

*I love you. [Back Roads]

*Why do you want to go out with me? (Alexa) Because the alternative would be unthinkable. [Highlander]

*I'm just a figment of your imagination. [Men in Black]

*Animal, four legs, carries heavy weights. (Duncan MacLeod)Donkey. No, no, no, try three letters. (Duncan MacLeod)[HL: Comes a Horseman]

*You always have to win, don't you. (Cosmo) Yes, I do. The great Sam Gerard. (Cosmo) Yes, I am.  [US Marshals]

*She'll come back. How do you know? (Joe Dawson)  Because I'm very old and wise. [HL: Indescretions]

*You must have ears like an eagle.  Play that again, I want to hear the sound of an elevated train. [The Fugitive]

*Knock a little louder, I don't think they heard you in Philadelphia. [Highlander]

*Stay on the trail.  You can sleep next month. [US Marshals]

*You dump her and then you turn your back on her?  Talk about the blind leading the visually challenged! [Highlander]

*...And she looked down her lap and she looks at her husband and says "Honey, this one's eating my popcorn!" [Men in Black]

*We're going the wrong way! (Joe Dawson)  I beg to differ, the bullets are back that way. [HL: Indescretions]

*I live to serve. [Under Siege]

*You think it takes courage to do what we do?  You try being her!  She's lying in a hospital bed in Geneva right now, breathing through a tube! [Highlander]

*Women. [Lonesome Dove]

* [Medics]

*Who, me? [B 4ever]
*Biggs, Dr. Nichols lied to me.  Find him [The Fugitive]

*Where's Richie?(Duncan MacLeod) He probably hasn't even gotten out of bed yet.  She's got him tingling in places he didn't even know he had. [Highlander]

*Where'd you get the money to pay for this? (Amy) I sold some blood.  They didn't ask me where I got it or anything. [Back Roads]
*Who's that guy?  He's ugly. [US Marshals]

*I believe the correct phrase is "Can I borrow your newspaper?" [HL: Valkyrie]

*We at the FBI have no sense of humor we're aware of. [Men in Black]

*Oh, goody, a twenty five hundred year old garage sale. (Duncan MacLeod)Hey, some of that stuff could be mine! [HL: Valkyrie]

*Don't worry baby, you can play this gig with your eyes shut. [Under Seige]

*Where's your friend?(Sean Kern) It's Tuesday.  He doesn't take heads on Tuesdays. [HL: Forgive Us Our Trespasses]

*And don't let them give you any shit about your ponytail, either. [The Fugitive]

*I was in Rome, when the Christians were made to face the lions.  Some of them looked almost happy to die for their faith.  Is there a point to this or are we just going down memory lane here?( Duncan MacLeod)  Afterwards, the only ones who looked happy were the lions. [Highlander]

*I should've been a doctor.  You know, Devlin-Macgreggor made nine billion dollars last year alone?  That company's a monster. [The Fugitive]

*Oh, I don't know, pretty funny from here. [HL: Till Death]

*If you leave that pretty can in the street, it'll get stolen, Q. [Black Moon Rising]

*Ooooohhhhmmmm. Will you stop that? (Duncan MacLeod)  It's pretty relaxing.  You should try it. [HL: Till Death]

*Do you remember those two little shrimp riding on those two seahorses, with little hats, little chaps, little pistols...Bang, Bang!  Trying to rescue the lobster from the Swedish cook? [Under Seige]

*I hate the water.  I sailed to Iceland with some Irish monks once.  Six men in a rowboat and no facilities. *shudder* [HL: Till Death]

*How hell doth quicken the spirit! [Under Siege]

*Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.  Mi casa es su casa.  Have a beer. [HL: Methos]

*What's that mean, hinky? Strange or Wierd. (Biggs)Why don't you say strange or wierd?  Hinky has no meaning.  I don't want anybody using words around me that has no meaning.  I'm taking the stairs and walking.How about bullsh*t?  How about bullsh*t, Sam? (Biggs) [The Fugitive]

*I killed Silas!  I liked Silas! [HL: Revelations 6:8]

*Beautiful lady, balance in all things. [Blown Away]

*Have you ever read Aristotle's Poetics?  No, of course not, you haven't even seen Casablanca! [HL: Revelations 6:8]

*I know what you're, really!  I do!  You're thinking, these girls have way too much time on their hands.  And you know what?  You're right! *snerk*  Mature?  Us?  You've gotta be kidding... [Johanna]

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