The Forever Sequence II

Forever Divided

By Johanna

DISCLAIMER: Duncan MacLeod, Methos/Adam Pierson, Amanda, Richie Ryan, Greg Powers, Joe Dawson, Kenny, and the whole Immortality bit belongs to Rysher Entertainment.

Victoria DiThon Kestral, Justin Le Faye, Kane Nalamas, Elizabet Aspen, Paul Blaze, Mike Reynard, and William Boyle belong to me, so please ask if they start talking to you, too.

This one is a lot shorter than "Forever Young"; it also took me a lot shorter time to write. I've tried to make it stand alone, but you'll understand a lot more about the characters if you read "Forever Young" at the least, if not all the other little bits that have appeared in between. Rated PG-13 for a bit of language and violence. All comments, constructive criticism, and virtual chocolate can be sent here. Enjoy!

Part 1
Seacouver, Washington
Saturday, June 13, 1998

Methos and Victoria DiThon Kestral were sacked out in Methos' living room. A RoseBlade friend of Elizabet Aspen's had come to Seacouver for a few days, so Victoria had decided to make herself scarce.  The 'Blades weren't exactly friendly with her, and since Victoria knew that it was her own damn fault, she was willing to pay the price.  Methos had been nice enough to let her stay at his place. At the moment, the older Immortal was channel surfing, and his former student was writing a paper for her last school final on her laptop computer.

Suddenly, Victoria raised her hands above her head and let out a loud whoop. Methos jumped slightly. "What was that for?" he asked.

"That was the end of my last school assignment for this year," Victoria responded. "Wart," she added after a pause.

"Toria," Methos shot back, knowing how much she hated for him to call her that.

"Your majesty," was the reply. It was a running joke between the two, dating back to Methos' stories about King Arthur.

That made him stop. "I think I like that nickname," Methos said. Victoria grabbed one of the end pillows from the couch and hit her former teacher with it. When Methos retaliated with the other pillow, the impromptu pillow fight continued for several minutes. Finally, both Immortals collapsed on the couch. When Methos regained his breath, he said, "Victoria, I've been meaning to talk with you."

Victoria gave him a guarded look. "What did I do now?"

Methos shook his head. "Just how many assassins has Boyle sent after you?"

"Four," Victoria replied slowly. "And Justin's had to deal with three." William Boyle, Victoria's "cousin", had the notion that Victoria was a witch, and that her close friend Justin Le Faye was a demon. Both, like Boyle, were Immortals, though they’d had the unfortunate luck to die their mortal deaths when they were thirteen and sixteen, respectively.

Methos nearly shuddered, thinking how Justin had "dealt" with the three assassins. The two hundred and seventeen-year-old teenager was absolutely ruthless, and it always shocked him to see such fury in one who looked so young in this day and age. Victoria had only maimed each of hers by shooting them in the leg with her gun, as a warning. Ironically, her Browning 9mm was from the Hunters who had tried to kill her about three years ago.

"Why do you ask?" Victoria questioned.

Methos was silent as he formulated a response. "I think you and Justin should go back to Wales and disappear for a while." He waited for the explosion. When it surprisngly did not come, he continued. "You've been lucky that so far no one has gotten hurt."

Victoria sighed. "How long has it been since you did any type of assassin work?" At Methos' blank look, she laughed shortly. "First, you have to understand that I'm speaking from experience here. The best thing a target can do is surround themselves with people. Unless they're really, really stupid, the assassin will wait until they're alone, especially the type Boyle has been sending."

Methos smiled. "I always forget that you were a professional assassin during World War II."

Victoria nodded. "Hitler didn't stand a chance." She paused and laughed. "Or maybe he did, since I never actually killed him. Of course, he could have saved people a lot of trouble by committing suicide earlier. A few other assassins I knew and I would have gladly helped. And anyway, I think Boyle is preparing for something bigger."

Later that night, Methos walked into Joe Dawson's blues club, quite originally named "Joe's". As he had asked, Duncan MacLeod, Amanda, and Greg Powers were all sitting at the bar waiting for his arrival. He thread his way through the crowded tables and nodded to the group when he reached them.

"Let's ask Joe if we can use his office," the oldest Immortal said. "We need to talk."

A few minutes later, all four Immortals were safely enclosed in Joe's office, with the noise of the bar down to a barely perceptible hum. The Watcher had been curious about the meeting, but did not request to be included, for which Methos was thankful.

"What's going on?" Duncan MacLeod asked from his place on the couch. His arm was around the shoulders of Amanda, who was leaning against him languidly.

"We've all been very good about not interfering with Victoria and Justin's decision to stay in Seacouver while Boyle is after them," Methos stated from his seat in the desk chair.

"It's been hard, but yeah," Amanda agreed. Her face was dark with anger. In her opinion, Boyle's head was already forfeit for killing her former student Marie Branwald eight months before in Wales.

Methos continued. "Well, I think we should order Victoria and Justin to leave Seacouver. Victoria gave me a great reason why they shouldn't, but sooner or later, an innocent person is going to get hurt."

Greg nodded, his arms crossed and his back against the office door. "You're right. It's one of Murphy's Laws, or something," the Immortal doctor said.

MacLeod just stared at them in amazement. "I can't believe you! You would just kick them out of our lives and let them get killed! I thought you cared about Victoria more than that, Adam."

"Let me appeal to the boy scout in you, MacLeod," Methos said; though he winced inwardly at the Highlander's last sentence. "Would you rather see someone get hurt?" When nobody said anything, Methos nodded. "I'll talk to them. Hopefully, they'll be able to leave soon. Victoria told me today that she thought Boyle was preparing for something bigger than the occasional assassin."

Part 2
Seacouver, Washington
Sunday, June 14, 1998

The next afternoon, Elizabet Aspen answered the door to the apartment. She already knew who it would be, but feigned surprise when she saw Victoria. The two hundred and fourteen year old girl was on her knees in front of the door with her hands clasped in front of her. With her best pitiful expression, Victoria said, "Can I come home now?"

Elizabet laughed and stepped back from the door. "Come on in. Erin left this morning."

Victoria gathered up her duffel bag, backpack, and laptop case and walked in. Giving Kenny and her student Kane Nalamas a wave, she headed for her room, accompanied by Elizabet. After dropping her stuff onto the bed she shared with Justin, Victoria collapsed onto the floor. "Ugh," she groaned. "Do you know how hard it was to ride my bike with all those bags?"

Elizabet rolled her eyes and sat in the armchair in the corner. "You should have called Justin to pick you up. What good is the cellular phone you have if you never use it?"

"I tried his pager, but he never called back. When I tried again an hour later, it was off," Victoria explained as she stood up and started to unpack. "But I'll try again now, just to find out where he is." After she finished unpacking her duffel bag, the two girls went back downstairs into the main room of the townhouse. Technically, it was Victoria's, but she shared it with Elizabet, Kenny, Kane, and Justin Le Faye. Victoria paid the rent, and Elizabet and Justin, who were also quite wealthy, paid for food and other essentials. Victoria and Justin shared the master suite, and Elizabet claimed the attic room, while Kane and Kenny lived in the finished basement.  The house also had a living room and a small kitchen separated by a low wall. The wall had easily been altered with a wide, polished piece of wood to create a table.

Kenny and Kane were sitting on the couch watching television. Elizabet headed for the refrigerator for a soda, while Victoria started dialing the cordless phone. But before she even finished the last digit, another Immortal was sensed.

Recognizing Justin's teal blue aura, Victoria set down the phone. "Justin," she announced to the others, who immediately relaxed. A second later, the door burst open, and in strode Justin. He didn't even stop when he fully entered the apartment, but kept pacing back and forth behind the sofa. His usually carefully styled blonde hair was sticking in different directions wildly, and he was playing with his long braided rat-tail, a sure sign that he was quite angry.

Kenny switched off the television and Elizabet shut the door. Victoria set the phone back in it's stand and moved behind Justin. When he turned around again, Justin had to stop short to avoid running into her. Before Victoria could say anything, Justin grabbed her shoulders and shook them. "Do you know what they want us to do?" he cried angrily. Without waiting for an answer, he walked around the couch and flopped onto it.

Victoria sat down next to him, and in a gentle voice, she asked, "What, Justin?"

"Your dear teacher wants us to leave!" he fairly snarled. "And MacLeod agrees." He slumped back onto the couch and started quietly cursing in Welsh.

Victoria added her own curse in French. "He doesn't listen. No matter what I say, he never listens!" She also leaned back onto the couch and crossed her arms.

"Let me guess," Kenny said. "The Highlander and his royal majesty want you guys to leave so the assassins Boyle keeps sending after you don't hurt someone."

"In one," Justin said. "I was working out at the dojo with Richie when those two come in. In a nutshell, they told me to get out of Seacouver and take Victoria with me." He sighed and started playing with his necklace. "We can go to the last two days of school, but we have to be out of here on Wednesday." Justin wrapped the leather cord around his fingers and pressed the purple bead with copper wire wound around it to his chin.

Victoria got off the couch and went back to the phone. She hit the auto dial for the dojo and impatiently waited for someone to answer. "Hello, MacLeod," she said icily. "Is Arthur there?" After a few seconds she hung up. Victoria then dialed Methos's pager. She slammed the phone back down and waited for it to ring.

Elizabet raised her eyebrows. "Angry, aren't we?" she asked. The blonde girl pulled back when Victoria said something to her in a foreign language. When she saw Justin give a quick smile, she turned to him and demanded, "What did she say?"

"'Shut up if you want to keep your head'," Justin answered. "Yep, she's pissed. But then again, so am I."

The phone rang, and Victoria picked it up. "Arthur?" After a pause, she said, "Fine, Amanda's there." Switching to ancient Greek, she said, "Why should that matter? Everyone else is here with me."

"Because you're going to start yelling at me, and I'm trying out Amanda's new speaker phone for her," Methos answered in the same language.

"Well, good for you," Victoria said sarcastically.

"Look, I understand you're mad at me, but imagine how you'll feel if a mortal gets killed because of this," Methos said.

"Mortals have already died because of this!" Victoria responded harshly. "I died because of this! Hell, you think I want to make it permanent!"

"Victoria, I'm doing this for-," Methos tried to say soothingly.

"For me?" Victoria yelled. "You didn't listen to one word I said yesterday!" Switching back to English, she continued. "The blasted Highlander is doing this for his stupid moral codes, and you're doing it because you never even cared about the stubborn little chit you found in Wales two hundred years ago!" Victoria slammed down the phone and turned toward the others.

Justin looked at her with an expressionless face. "So we're leaving?"

Victoria's eyes narrowed. "Like hell we are."

"But what about-?" Kane started.

His teacher started to smile. "Bully for them."

Part 3
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

Victoria arrived at school at seven-thirty and went to one of the lunch tables to wait for the others. By choice, she rode the half mile to school on her bike -- part of her daily exercise routine. She didn’t have long to wait when the others all joined her at the table near the entrance. Justin, playing a sixteen-year-old, had driven he and Kane, picking up Mike Reynard and Paul Blaze on the way.  Paul's friendship with the young Immortals had only increased his resolved to follow in his uncle's footsteps after school and join the Watchers.  Mike had finally discovered the truth about his friends earlier that spring, witness to a rather bloody training incident between Victoria and Justin, who tended to go all out.  He had also remained a faithful friend.  A few minutes later, Elizabet and Kenny’s bus reached school and they also joined the group. Much to everyone’s surprise, Elizabet was wearing her RoseBlade jacket.

"I thought you weren’t allowed to wear gang clothing to school," Kane mentioned.

"You’re not," Elizabet said. "But for some reason, I wanted my sword with me today. Besides," she added with a sly smile, "it’s the last day of school, and I'm leaving for Europe in two days. What are they going to do?"

"That’s funny," Victoria said, her voice saying otherwise. "I’ve got mine, too." Her black trench had been in her backpack. Her sword traveled in a scabbard attached to the bar on her men’s bike, with the hilt hidden under the seat.

It was soon discovered that each of the others was wearing their swords. Victoria and Justin even had their guns in shoulder holsters, and Elizabet had her throwing knifes in her backpack.

"You guys preparing for a party?" Paul asked with his eyebrows raised.

Victoria shook her head. "Justin and I are going out to MacLeod’s island for a few days after school. Our stuff’s in Justin’s car. That’s why we have our swords, for real practice."

"And we always wear our guns now," Justin added. "Those stupid assassins can appear out of nowhere.  Just usually not actually in the school." The apparent teenager, who had done some assassin work himself, made the name sound like a dirty word. He thought that the ones hired by Boyle were little more than amateurs, and he had been almost glad to put them out of their misery.

"What about you guys?" Mike asked the other three Immortals.

Kane shrugged. "I have to ask MacLeod a question about a move he taught me recently, so I brought it. I’m going to the dojo right after school."

"Elizabet had one of her gut feelings this morning before we left," Kenny said. "Since her weird precognitions have saved my life before, I figured why not?"

Before anymore discussion could occur, the bell rang, and everyone hurried to his or her classes. Since it was the last day of school (and a half day at that), only first period was being held, and that only for an hour before the end of the year assembly. Victoria, Mike, and Justin walked together to Mrs. Sinramsey’s class. The locker combinations had already been changed, so everyone carried their backpacks with them.

Mrs. Sinramsey was in an unusually good mood, and the tables were pushed back against the wall. She put on some music and let the class dance. Victoria and Justin were doing the swing like they had in the twenties for the entertainment of the other students when the principal came over the loudspeaker. His voice sounded very afraid.

"Attention, students and staff. The assembly will be starting a few minutes early," the principal said. "When the bell rings, all of you will go down to the gym. Please go in an orderly fashion to your sections of the bleachers. Teachers and staff, please gather in the back of the gym for a short conference." A split second before the loudspeaker cut off, a woman’s shrill scream sounded.

Victoria looked at Justin and caught his eyes. They were still holding hands, and Justin gave hers a squeeze. "Something is not right," Justin muttered in Welsh. Only Victoria heard, and she nodded her head agreement.

"Okay, class," Mrs. Sinramsey said when the bell rang a few seconds later. Her voice sounded confused, but she was a veteran teacher and knew to follow the principal’s directions. "Let’s go, and remember, be quiet in the halls."

Victoria returned the squeeze and released Justin’s hands. They and Mike were the last students out of the room. While walking slowly down the hall, Elizabet joined them. "You guys heard that, didn’t you?" she asked.

"Yes, we did," Justin answered. "Titania, Atlantis."

Victoria glanced at him quickly. "Justice."

Elizabet gave a wry smile. "Who would have thought that our next state of emergency would take place at junior high school." She reached over to Mike and grasped her boyfriend’s hand. After giving it a quick kiss, she said, "Mike, go join Paul, and stay quiet." Mike was smart enough to read the hard look in Elizabet’s eyes and hurried down the hall to join his friend. However, they lingered slightly in order not to get too far ahead of the group of Immortals.

Kenny and Kane soon joined the other three Immortals. "Atlantis, Justice, and Titania, I presume?" Kenny asked, his eyebrows raised.

Victoria nodded. "Zeist," she answered. "And Pompeii," she added to Kane a second later.

"What’s going on?" Kane asked. "I’m Pompeii, right?" When his teacher nodded, he continued, "Why the names?"

The five were on the last stretch to the gym. "It means," Victoria answered quickly, "that whatever is going on might have to do with us." They were the last students to enter the gym. "Any orders, general?" she asked Justin.

"Split up and stay low," Justin said. Kenny headed off to the seventh grade section. The four "ninth" graders spread out through theirs, Kane and Elizabet joining Mike, and Victoria and Justin slipping in next to Paul a few rows up. Before Victoria could explain to her Watcher that she and the others thought something very weird was going on, the principal walked to the middle of the gym.

"Students," he said hurriedly. "Whatever happens, do not do anything to endanger your lives." With this strange warning, the doors to outside banged open. About thirty men dressed in black marched in. Each was holding an automatic rifle. There were a few gasps throughout the students and teachers, and a scream came from an eighth grade girl. One of the men took the microphone from the principal, who scurried to join the other teachers.

"People," the man said in a harsh voice. "Our mission is simple. We want the five of you who are not who you seem to be. We do not want to hurt anybody, but will if necessary."

Victoria and Justin looked at each other in horror. "You think Boyle had anything to do with this?" Justin asked.

"I know Boyle has something to do with this," Victoria answered. "He’s so theatrical, he would do it and pull it off, too."

"But that means now he wants the others, too!" Justin said. "And we can't fight, there are way too many innocents."

"This is not good," Victoria agreed.

Part 4
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

After a few seconds for their initial shock to wear off, the spokesman continued speaking. "You will now have ten minutes. I suggest that the five of whom I am referring meet together and discuss whether you will give yourselves up or make us hurt someone to convince you that we are serious." He placed the microphone on the ground and walked towards the exit. The other men started herding the teachers into the mini-gym. Suddenly, the leader turned around again. He gestured to the four last teachers. "You four, come with us," he said loudly. "You are our insurance that no one will try anything stupid." He faced the bleachers. "There will be men right outside the doors, so don’t think you can sneak out." Then he and the other men walked out with the teachers.

There was a short time of silence, then students started to leave the bleachers and join their friends. Justin touched Victoria and Paul on the shoulders and motioned to the top seat of the bleachers. The three walked up, with Kane, Elizabet, and Mike a few steps behind. Kane’s face was pale, and Elizabet had a death grip on Mike’s hand. Kenny came last, having to cross the gym to reach the others. Simultaneously, with the others to block them, Victoria and Justin pulled out their guns and loaded them. Elizabet also transferred her throwing knifes into the special sheaths in her jacket and boot.

"Well, this is just great," Elizabet said. "Now what do we do?" They tossed around ideas for a couple minutes, but none seemed like they would work.

Victoria sighed. "Screw this. We’ll never be able to escape, and even if we could, we can’t leave all these kids here. What if they start shooting just to see who comes back from the dead?" she asked in a dull voice.

Elizabet bit her lip. "And we can’t fight. All we have are five swords, a couple knives, and two guns with twenty-two bullets between them. Not even enough to take out all the men."

"Basically, the only thing we can do is not attract their attention," Justin said. "But if they keep their threat to hurt innocents to draw us out, we must do everything in out power to not let that happen." Justin looked each of the other Immortals in the eye. "It does not matter if we get killed in public at this point. We can get up again and they can’t." The four older Immortals already knew this.

Victoria nodded. "And hopefully Boyle will show, so Justin or I can challenge him outright."

"You mean, so you can challenge him," Justin said to Victoria. "You have a bigger score to settle with him. I’ve fought him before, and you can take him easily, love."  Victoria gave a feral grin.

One of the doors opened, and a different man walked in. "Get back on the bleachers," he ordered in a gruff voice. The students rushed to comply. The five Immortals and their two friends all moved to the corner at the top two rows of bleachers. When everybody was quiet, the man opened the door and motioned for the others to come in.

As they trooped in, Victoria counted. "Thirty-three," she whispered to the others.

The leader picked up the microphone again. "We’re in luck," he said with a smile. "My employer had provided me with basic descriptions of the ones we are searching for, so this should make it easier for us to find you. But first, if you wish to surrender, do so now." No one in the bleachers moved, so he nodded, the smile gone. "Fine," he said. "Then would all the seventh grade boys please come down to the floor?" When no one started to come down, he gestured to one of the four teachers. "Then your lovely Mrs. Warhol must suffer for you actions," he stated. Two of the men pointed their rifles at her. Mrs. Warhol gave a short scream.

Slowly, seventh graders started to come down from the bleachers. Kenny flashed the others a smile, but he did not feel that reassured. When all the boys had gathered in a line, the spokesman gazed at them. "You, you, and you," he said, pointing to three of them. "Come here." The three boys, one of them Kenny, cautiously walked towards him. "The rest of you may sit down." The other seventh graders all but ran back to their friends on the bleachers. The man looked at each of the three boys critically. "All I have to locate you is a seventh grade boy with short, light blonde hair approximately your height. I know that one of you is my target. Give yourself up or we will shoot the teacher," he commanded.

Kenny stepped forward. "Then you want me," he said. "Don’t shoot her."

The man smiled and gestured to the other two boys who hurried back to the bleachers. "Search him," he ordered. One of the other men slung his rifle on his back and approached Kenny. He patted down Kenny’s sides. Smiling, the searcher reached into Kenny’s denim jacket and withdrew the short sword amidst gasps from the students. Almost reverently, he handed it to the leader. Another man tossed the searcher a length of rope and he used it to tie Kenny’s hands behind his back. The leader pulled a gun from a holster concealed by his jacket and pointed at Kenny. "Tell your friends," he called loudly, " to give themselves up, or I will kill you!"

Kane almost rose to his feet, but Victoria pulled him back down. "He’s Immortal, Kane. Remember that."

Shrugging, the leader pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed around the room, and a blossom of red appeared over Kenny’s right lung. Grimacing, he fell to his knees. He tried to get back to his feet, but gave a short scream of pain and collapsed to the ground. He didn’t move.

There were some screams and cries from the bleachers as Kenny’s body was unceremoniously dragged outside, and the leader picked up the microphone again. "That was rather complicated, don’t you think? How about I read off the description, and if the next one doesn’t come down, then we shoot the teacher," he said. "I believe you will know who you are. First, we have a ninth grade boy with brown hair."

"Now you can stand up," Victoria said to Kane. He walked down the bleachers and presented himself to the leader. The searcher walked up, and this time merely reached into Kane’s jacket. He took out the scimitar and laid it on the floor next to the leader.

"Yes, much simpler," the leader said. "Any questions?"

"Why are you doing this?" Kane asked as the searcher tied his hands behind his back. "I don't know you."

"I am doing this," the leader answered. "Because I am being paid to do it." He then shot Kane in the heart. Kane opened his mouth in a silent scream before collapsing to the ground. He was also dragged out of the gym. "Next, would the ninth grade girl with blonde hair please come down?"

"Adios, guys," Elizabet said before walking down the bleachers to the leader. As the searcher walked up, she said, "Don’t you dare lay your slimy paws on me." Elizabet drew her cutlass and handed it to the leader, who took it with a bemused expression. Next, she took out the throwing knife in her jacket. In a blur of motion, she swiftly threw it at one of mats on the gym wall, where it stuck fast. "If any of you touch that," she warned. "I will personally make sure that your arm is cut off."

The leader continued to look at her with an amused expression. "Unfortunately, we are under orders not to shoot you, my dear," he said. "Something about being in an organization that would not like it if one of their higher members was killed."

Victoria smiled. "I never thought I’d be thankful for the RoseBlades," she said as Elizabet was tied up and moved to the side of the gym.

"Would they really get mad?" Mike asked, concerned for his girlfriend.

"Yes," Paul and Victoria replied together. Paul continued, "For about ten years, there was another Immortal in the RoseBlades. Elizabet tortured the Hunter who killed him." Everyone looked surprised at this, Mike especially.

"I believe that the last two I am looking for can come down themselves," the leader said.

"Let’s go," Justin said. The two Immortals walked down the bleachers. Without being asked, they drew their swords, Victoria’s Celtic broadsword and Justin’s French rapier. At their leader’s motion, two men took the swords and laid them with the other three.

"My employer said that you two were the leaders," the man said. "I doubt those are the only weapons you have. Give them up or the teacher will be shot."

Victoria roller her eyes and gave up her Browning to one of the men. Justin drew his gun, but did not give it up. "Where did you put the bodies of our friends?" he asked.

The leader smiled, and leaned closer. Putting his hand over the microphone, he said conspiratorially, "I had them dumped in the woods.  They are no longer my concern." Justin almost raised the gun to shoot, but Victoria grabbed his wrist. Angrily, he shook her off and gave the gun to the leader.

As they were being tied up, Justin said, "You are a heartless mercenary who would shoot children for money."

The man smiled. "That is exactly what I am."

Victoria and Justin were moved across the gym and seated next to Elizabet. "Hey," she said. "Long time, no see. Where’d they dump Kenny and Kane?"

"The woods," Victoria answered.

"There’s no one there to guard them, so maybe they’ll get away," Justin said. "Hopefully, they’ll go to Adam and MacLeod first. The Highlander can call the police."

Victoria snorted. "Sure," she said skeptically. "We’ve already figured out that Boyle is behind this. One of them will tell MacLeod that, and he’ll think he needs to come rescue us."

The three lapsed back into silence. The leader went back to the microphone after talking with his men, and three others hauled the captive Immortals to their feet. "We have reached a decision. My companions and I will go back outside. The three remaining targets will be locked in the hall." The leader paused. "You may talk amongst yourselves, but do not try to escape, as there will be guards at the doors. Also, do not try to rescue the prisoners. Some of my compatriots will have no qualms about shooting you." He placed the microphone back down and gestured to the three men near Victoria, Justin, and Elizabet. Then the remainder of the men exited the gym.

The three Immortals were moved into the small lobby adjoining the gym. One of the men locked the doors to the two locker rooms, then the doors to the gym and outside. The only other exit was a small window, but it was too small for even Victoria’s thin frame. The windows on the doors were also useless since they had wire running through the glass. Through the windows, they could see students moving about in the gym. Some were crying, and others merely had stunned looks on their faces.

The captives smiled when their two mortal friends. Mike pointed at Elizabet’s knife and then at himself. When Elizabet nodded, he left to get it. With their hands tied behind their backs, it was difficult to tell the boys that they were okay, but somehow Justin made Paul understand. Then Mike and Paul returned to the bleachers. No one else approached the doors, though there were some glances in a variety of emotions, the most apparent being fear.

Justin leaned against the wall and slid down until he as in a sitting position. The two girls copied his action. All three of them had unfortunately spent enough time being tied up over the years to do this without falling over. "So," he said. "What do we do now?"

"The only thing we can do," Victoria said. "Wait."

Part 5
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

When Kane revived with a gasp for air, he found Kenny already awake. His hands were untied, but the older Immortal’s were not. "Took you long enough," Kenny stated as he turned around for Kane to untie his hands.

"No exceptions for those who have only died once before?" Kane asked. Kenny rolled his eyes, but did not comment until after his hands were free.

"Nope," Kenny answered. He looked around and grinned.

"What are you smiling about?" Kane said. "We’ve just been killed!"

"Yeah, but we’re still alive, aren’t we?" Kenny said. After a pause, he added, "Those men didn’t know we were Immortal."

"Meaning?" Kane asked.

"There’s no guard," Kenny answered. "Let’s go." He pulled his jacket closed to cover the bloody hole.

Kane looked at his chest through the hole in his shirt and gave a wry smile. His mortal death had been the result of a car crash, so this was the first time he’d been shot, much less killed again. Kane also zipped up his jacket, and the two boys started out of the woods.

They headed for the dojo and arrived by city bus about fifteen minutes later. Richie looked up as he felt the buzz and the two walked in. "I know it was a half day, but it’s only nine-thirty," he said. "What are you guys doing here?"

In answer, Kenny opened his coat. Richie gaped at the bullet hole. "Is MacLeod here?" Kenny asked. "I’d rather not have explain twice."

Richie nodded slowly and went up to the loft in the freight elevator. When he raised the gate, MacLeod, Amanda, and Methos were looking back at him. "I think you guys need to come downstairs. Kane and Kenny are here and I think they have something very interesting to tell us."

"Victoria said school didn’t get out until eleven," Methos said curiously, but the three older Immortals went back downstairs with Richie. They got to the main floor just as Kenny and Kane walked out of the men’s locker room. Kane had borrowed one of Richie’s sweatshirts, and Kenny was wearing a T-shirt Justin had left at the dojo.

"What’s going on?" Amanda asked.

"Something really weird happened at school today," Kenny said. The two boys started recounting their parts of the story, with Kane taking over at the point where Kenny was executed.

"And so we came here," Kane finished. He gazed at the four "adult" Immortals to judge their reactions to the situation.

"You don’t know what happened the Victoria, Elizabet, and Justin?" Methos asked.

"I’m assuming they weren’t shot like we were," Kenny answered. "They weren’t in the woods."

"Well, we know that Boyle hired the mercenaries," MacLeod said.

Methos rolled his eyes. "Your ability to state the obvious never ceases to amaze me, MacLeod." The other man glared at the ancient, but did not retort.

"So now we have to go rescue them," Amanda said.

"Sure," Methos said sarcastically. "Thirty mercenaries with automatic rifles against four Immortals with swords.  I, at least, would like to keep my cover.  And -- we don’t even know if Boyle is there or not."

"Six Immortals," Kenny corrected.

"Oh, no, no, no," MacLeod said. "You two are staying right here."

"We know the layout of the school," Kenny shot back.

"And if someone sees you?" MacLeod asked.

"The teachers are in the mini gym, the students are in the gym, and the mercenaries are either there or outside. We can stay out of sight," Kenny answered smugly.

"Okay, you can come with us," MacLeod sighed. "But don’t do anything stupid, and I’m fighting Boyle."

Kane looked at him as if he were crazy. "Yeah, right! What makes you so sure?"

MacLeod looked confused. "Because...."  His voice trailed off, and Methos and Amanda traded smirks

"Too bad," Kenny said. "You don’t even know Boyle. Besides, we already decided that Victoria’s going to fight him."

MacLeod stared at the two boys in shock. He glanced at the other three adult Immortals and saw that they were all grinning at him. "I’m going to call Greg and tell him what’s going on," MacLeod muttered. He had just shut the door to the office when everybody else cracked up laughing.

"What?" Greg shouted into his cellular phone. Other university students glanced at him as they walked down the hall. Greg moved into an empty classroom and shut the door. MacLeod finished telling him what had happened and that they were planning to go back to the school. "Okay, fine," Greg said. "I have a final exam in my next class and can’t get out of it, but if you need anything, just call me and I’ll try to help." He switched off the phone and stared at it, shaking his head. "They are going to get themselves killed," he muttered before hurrying to his next class.

Part 6
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

Half an hour after being locked into the small room, Victoria and Justin were getting antsy. Justin was pacing back and forth, and Victoria was examining the lock on the door to outside. Elizabet was sitting against the wall, trying very hard not to think about how her hands were going numb like they always did when she was bound by the wrists.

"What a day for you to forget your skeleton key," Victoria said to Justin.

Justin sighed. "I didn't forget it. I merely neglected to put my keys in my pocket when I got to school this morning. If it makes you feel any better, I'm locked out of my car, too."

"Will you two please stop arguing?" Elizabet said.

Victoria noted the worry in her friend's voice. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," Elizabet said in dismissively.

"Your hands are going numb, aren't they," Justin stated.

"You know me too well," Elizabet said. "More like they went numb. That, and I absolutely hate being tied up."

Victoria remembered how the other girl had been tortured by an Immortal for two days. If Victoria and Kenny had not come along, she'd most likely be dead. Elizabet had hated being tied up ever since. She did not like the feeling of intense helplessness it always gave her.

Victoria kicked the soda machine in frustration. A can rolled into the retrieval bin. "Okay," she said with eyebrows raised. "I'll have to remember that one."

Justin groaned. "Now I am really mad that they tied our hands behind our backs instead of in front," he said. "I'm famished.  Forgot to eat breakfast this morning."

"Brilliant, love," Victoria said, rolling her eyes.

Justin was about to retort, but the mercenaries walked back into the gym. All the students scattered back up to the bleachers. The leader was talking, but the three Immortals could not hear anything through the soundproof doors. When he concluded his short speech, the armed men left again. Many students glanced at the three prisoners standing at the doors in worry. Soon, Paul came to the doors and put a piece of paper against one of the windows.

"Boyle is coming in five minutes. Says will kill all of you. Are you guys okay?" Victoria read. She nodded for all of them. Kelley joined Paul and pointed to Elizabet, then to the last line of the note.

Elizabet nodded at the Watcher-in-training. "Trust the Watchers to know about that," she muttered.

The doors banged open again and the young man ran back up the bleacher steps. The leader came in, followed by seven of his men. Two guarded the doors as the other mercenaries walked in, and the other five marched across the gym to the makeshift prison. One unlocked the door, one pointed his gun at the three Immortals, and the others entered and grabbed their arms. The three apparent teenagers allowed themselves to be peacefully led to the leader in the middle of the gym. He smirked at them as they were lined up. The Immortals glanced to the top of the bleachers where their friends were sitting. Mike raised his hand in a gun shape and placed it at the back of Paul’s head. Victoria, Elizabet, and Justin winced inwardly, as they realized why they weren’t being held physically anymore. They could also see many of the students grow worried. Being shot in the chest was one thing, but the Immortals knew that getting your brains blown out was not pretty.

The leader picked up the microphone. "My employer is now outside. I will remind you again not to cause trouble. We are doing this for your own good, to protect you from those that have no business interacting with normal society."

"How many of these guys have a blue tattoo on their wrists, do you think?" Justin asked softly. He was rewarded by having the barrel of the rifle pressed right to the back of his head.

At that moment, Victoria, Elizabet, and Justin felt another Immortal. Victoria had to stop herself from automatically announcing whose aura it was, but the others already knew.

Through the doors walked William Boyle, Victoria’s cousin from both of their mortal lives. He had participated in the destruction of a group of standing stones in Wales that ended in her mortal death and was now convinced Victoria was a witch. He and Justin had battled a year ago, and a series of freak events made Boyle think the slightly younger Immortal was a demon. The adult Immortal stopped in front of the three. "Well, well, well," he said, a condescending smile on his face. "Now you can’t get away."

MacLeod’s Thunderbird pulled into the school parking lot and he, Amanda, Kenny, and Kane piled out. Richie’s motorcycle and Methos’ Volvo arrived shortly after. The six Immortals gathered in a small circle and stared at each other.

"Well?" Richie asked aloud. "What do we do now?" Everyone looked at Kenny and Kane.

Kenny shrugged. "We walk in the front door."

Methos looked at him strangely. "Sure, that’s brilliant. Especially for you two."

"No, he’s right," Kane said. "All the teachers and staff are locked in the mini-gym. No one will be around."

The four adults, especially the older three, appeared to consider. Finally, MacLeod nodded. "Okay," he said. "You two lead us to the gym, then you leave. Deal?"

Kane and Kenny glanced at each other. "Deal," they said simultaneously.

They walked into the front lobby of the school. The dark office was at their left and the deserted lunchroom spread out in front of them. The two students led the way into the seventh grade hallway, then down the eighth grade hallway. They stopped at the top of a short flight of stairs. "This is the back entrance to the gym," Kane said. "At the bottom of these stairs, hang a right. The mini-gym will be the door on your right. The main gym is on your left. The gym doors have windows, so be careful."

"So now what are you going to do?" Kenny asked.

Again, the three older Immortals looked at each other. "Check out what’s going on," Methos finally answered. "Where Justin and the girls are, and if Boyle is here yet."

"Then we’ll plan from there," Amanda continued. "We don’t have enough information right now."

"Okay," Kane said. He trusted their judgement. "Good luck." The four adults started cautiously down the stairs. They disappeared around the corner, and the two young looking boys were left standing in the empty hall.

Kenny looked at Kane. "Please tell me we’re not leaving."

Kane grinned. "Of course not. I became Immortal in Boston. How do you think I got all the way to Washington?"

Kenny looked at the younger boy for a moment. "I dunno. I never really thought about it. Justin thinks you hitchhiked," he said. The two Immortals headed back down the hallway.

Kane shook his head. "Nope, I drove." He laughed at Kenny’s quizzical look. "My foster dad taught me how to drive when I was thirteen. One of my more disreputable friends taught me how to hot-wire cars. I have a driver’s license from a wallet I found in Boston. Luckily, the guy was seventeen when he lost it. That’s when I started to grow my hair out, to match the picture better." He unconsciously ran his hand through his shaggy brown hair that nearly touched his shoulders.

"So you stole a car and drove cross-country," Kenny said.

"More like stole a new one every couple towns," Kane said. "Then Paul saw me get into a rather embarrassing situation with a tree and a golf cart shortly after we met.  He introduced me to his uncle, who told me what I was. The rest, as they say, is history."

"So what does this have to do with what’s going on now?" Kenny asked.

"I know more about cars than how to hot-wire them," Kane said. "I can disable them a bunch of ways, too."

"And that’s what we’re going to do to the men’s cars," Kenny realized. "So even if they succeed, they won’t be able to escape."

"Exactly," Kane said. "This is the first time I’ve been killed in front of a lot of people. I plan to do as much damage as possible to the one’s who did it."

"We’ll have to leave anyway, so I’m with ya," Kenny said with a smile. "Let’s hit the parking lot."

Part 7
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

"So what do you plan to do with us?" Victoria asked harshly, loud enough for the other students to hear. Every once in a while, she glanced up into the bleachers at the two boys.  Mike was staring at her intently.  Next to him, Paul was furiously scribbling in a notebook.  Even though she hated death, Victoria resolved that Boyle’s would be one of the most detailed in Watcher history.

"Why, kill you of course," William Boyle replied. He unknowingly matched his volume to Victoria’s, much the relief of the Watcher trying to catch every word. Victoria was sure Paul even had his small tape recorder on the seat next to him.

"You can’t kill me," Elizabet said. "Your spokesman said himself that I was too valuable to kill."

"No!" the leader cut in. "I said nothing of the sort. I merely said that your organization would not take too kindly to one of its leaders being killed."

Boyle turned towards his mercenary. "I told you that was to be used at a last resort!" When, he realized he was yelling, Boyle quickly regained his composure and turned back to the three captives. "Let’s get on with it, shall we? Which of you is to be first?"

Justin stared at Boyle in shock. "For an execution or a fair fight?" he asked slowly.

Boyle looked amazed at Justin’s question. "A fight with one such as yourself would obviously not be fair. You have powers beyond my reach."

Victoria very nearly lost her temper. "We have rules! You can’t be saying that you would break rules that are as old-older than even us because of your stupid delusion!" She almost said "as old as Immortals," but caught herself in time.

The point of a rifle was shoved forcefully into the back of her head. Boyle reached out and gripped her chin in an iron grip. He leaned closer to her and said softly, "The rules of Immortals do not apply to witches and demons."

A sudden idea popped into Victoria’s head. She grinned nastily and replied, "Then I guess I’m free to do this." The young looking Immortal suddenly released total control of her telekinetic powers. Wind started to whip around her in a growing circle. Within a few seconds, it was howling around the gym. The hanging lights started to dim as they were rocked back and forth. Kids on the bleachers screamed in fear.

Justin took his cue from Victoria and unleashed his own power. Her wind easily fueled the lightning that started to flicker towards the armed mercenaries. It seemed to toy with them, only striking the guns and forcing the men to drop their weapons as the winds ripped them out of their hands. Simultaneously, three large bolts struck down from the ceiling and fried the ropes that held Victoria, Justin, and Elizabet.

Elizabet had discovered years ago that her empathic powers worked in reverse as well. Using her growing fear of her apparently imminent death, she pushed this emotion out towards the mercenaries.

The mercenaries had expected an easy job. Take over a school and capture some kids. But the wind and lightning was something completely unexpected. Their fear was amplified by Elizabet and turned into pure terror. Not stopping for their discarded weapons, the men ran out of the gym into the calm spring air outside.

Victoria and Justin regained control and slowly the powerful storm died down. Elizabet made sure that the terror would stay with the retreating mercenaries and closed off her mind once more. Their swords were still at the spot where the spokesman had been standing. Victoria kinetically picked up the three that belonged to the Immortals present and deposited them into their owner’s hands. Her control was so fine that it looked like the three had picked up their own swords. It was an old trick they used, make the enemies think they each had powers that they really didn’t.

Boyle instantly drew his broadsword, but the effort was futile. Three swords confronted him, and the automatic rifles were still strewn around. In his mind, he knew that the kids behind him would still side with their friends, no matter what they had seen. He cursed under his breath and stared at the three former captives.

Kenny and Kane had been close to finished with the ten vehicles when the noise started up from the gym. Kenny knew that it had to be Victoria and Justin working together to create a storm, and he urged Kane to finish. The younger Immortal had no idea what was going on, but hurried anyway.

Only a few seconds after they had hidden among the teachers’ cars, the mercenaries came streaming out of the gym. A few stopped to try the cars, but within a few minutes, all had disappeared in terror. The two boys gave each other high fives, then headed down the street towards downtown.

Methos, MacLeod, Amanda, and Richie heard most of the exchange between the Immortals. MacLeod had been ready to burst in and "rescue" the three, but Methos held him back when the wind started. The Watcher Chronicles had numerous reports of freak lightning storms that were definitely not Quickenings in places where Victoria and Justin got together. Methos finally got to see one first hand, though under different circumstances than he had expected.

"What is going on?" Amanda asked in amazement. The lightning danced across the gym, not going anywhere near the students on the bleachers. It lit up their faces in the dim light.

"I don’t know," MacLeod said. Glancing at Methos, he asked, "Did they do that?" Methos nodded.

"I didn’t know they could do something like that," Richie said.

"There’s a lot you don’t know about them," Methos said. By now, Boyle was being confronted by three very angry Immortals. It was not a good place to be if you wanted a longer life span, and Boyle obviously knew that. "Let’s make an entrance," Methos said. All four drew their swords and burst through the doors. That was the last step needed for the buzz to ring through all Immortals present.

The students on the bleachers had reached the point where they were as surprised as they were going to be for one lifetime. When the adult Immortals came into the gym, there were no screams, only a few sounds of surprise. The four stood in a line behind Victoria, Justin, and Elizabet. "Nice of you to show up," Elizabet muttered. Boyle merely became another shade paler.

Victoria stepped forward. "William Boyle, I challenge you. No interference and no cheating, like it’s meant to be. Do you accept?" she asked formally.

Though his face was still pale, Boyle gave a grin of feral anticipation. "Finally," he said. "I shall rid the world of you, witch."

Justin laughed. "Even if you somehow manage to beat her, I will challenge you next."

"And I’ve heard enough of what you’ve done to friends of mine over the years," Elizabet stated harshly, "that I’m pretty pissed off at you, too."

Methos stepped closer to Victoria. "You can’t take all of us," he stated.

Victoria nodded regally. Glancing at Boyle, she said, "Shall we step outside?"

His grin completely gone, Boyle nodded.  He knew death was near, if not at the hands of which Immortal.  He followed Victoria out the doors. Justin, Elizabet, and Methos also came.

"Amanda, could you-?" MacLeod said, gesturing toward the mini gym. She nodded and sheathed her sword. She crossed the gym and easily picked the lock as MacLeod and Richie each picked up one of the two remaining swords on the ground. The worried teachers and staff members poured out into the gym.

The principal thanked MacLeod, Richie, and Amanda, and then he started dismissing the students to the lunchroom. Nobody noticed when they left the gym, or when Paul and Mike snuck out behind them.

Part 8
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

Victoria led Boyle across the football field towards the edge of the woods. She trusted that the others would watch her back. When she reached as a good a spot as any, Victoria turned. "Let’s get on with this," she said. "I don't want to, but this time you’ve gone too far for me to ignore."

Methos, Justin, and Elizabet stopped a few feet away. They did not want to be caught in this battle. Elizabet grabbed Justin’s arm. When he glanced questioningly at her, she said, "I know you too well. You’ll want to interfere, but I can’t let you." When she caught Methos’ smile, she added, "Don’t think you can either." She fell silent as Victoria and Boyle faced off.

Boyle held his sword straight out in preparation. Victoria mentally grinned at that. Her sword was being gripped by both of her hands, blocking her chest. In her view, leaving your entire body open for a strike was just plain stupid . Boyle made the first move, faking left, then cutting right. Victoria jumped back as soon as she saw him switch directions. Before Boyle could recover, she lunged right at him, then pulled back at the last second. Boyle moved to block and only met empty air, and Victoria easily sliced his unprotected side in a vertical cut. Then both combatants pulled back.

The fight became a test of skill, with many fakes before the true move. But Victoria clearly had the upper hand, being smaller and more agile. Soon it was obvious that Boyle was weakening from the many small cuts that decorated his body. Victoria suffered a deep stab wound on her thigh and was favoring her leg. The gash on her left temple from the hit by Boyle's hilt was dripping blood heavily down her face.

Suddenly, Victoria dropped to her good knee. Elizabet had to grab Methos’ arm to prevent him from running forward. Justin, through sheer will power, stayed where he was, but gave a small cry of anguish. As Boyle stepped forward, Victoria focused her telekinetic power and shoved him forcefully. He stumbled and fell back. Victoria’s dagger from her ankle sheath was instantly in her hand. Flipping it over, she deftly threw it. The dagger lodged itself in Boyle’s heart as he sat up. Staring at it in shock, then looked up at Victoria. She got to her feet and slowly approached him.

"That’s right," Victoria said coldly. "I may be a witch. But you’re dead." She pulled back her sword and prepared to swing.

Boyle, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth, weakly tried to raise his sword, but the effort was futile. He stared up at Victoria and said, "Beware your death by which all stops." The last thing he saw was Victoria’s eyes, both burning with hatred and cold with sadness.

Victoria dropped to her knees beside the truly dead body. As the white mist started towards her, she looked at the three closest observers with eyes full of anguish.  This was not how she wanted her first Quickening.  Then she tossed back her head in a scream of pain and exhilaration. The lightning continued to strike at her and the surrounding ground. All that the other Immortals and Watchers saw was Victoria on her knees with her arms outstretched and her head back. She continued to scream as the Quickening unleashed it’s full force upon her.

But Victoria saw something completely different. Through the mixed pain and pleasure of the Quickening, she saw through the eyes of William Boyle. A scared boy blindly following his father through the destruction of the standing stones. Victoria saw herself fall from a gunshot by her uncle. Then, Boyle was a full fledged Immortal, killing Native Americans, Australian aborigines, and monks in various Asian temples, all because he thought it was his duty to wipe out those who might have different "powers." Victoria rebelled at these sights and tried unsuccessfully to cut them off. She was horrified at what Boyle had done over the years. Then, quite suddenly, it all stopped. She wavered for a few seconds, then fell forward into the comforting arms of Methos.

He held her for a bit, then she felt herself hauled to her feet by him and Justin. They supported her on both sides as she staggered blindly, the blood still pouring out from her face and leg. Methos laid her in the backseat of the Volvo on an old blanket, then got in the driver’s side. By the time Justin sat in the passenger’s seat, Victoria had fallen deeply unconscious from lack of blood.

MacLeod and Richie carried Boyle’s body into the woods and quickly buried it after removing Victoria’s dagger. Amanda took his sword and put it in the Thunderbird.  Mike and Paul decided that making their presence known at that point probably wasn't the best idea, so the two headed home in shock, but ready to write up the day's events for the Chronicles.  The rest of the Immortals drove to the dojo.

When they arrived, Kenny and Kane ran up to them and demanded an immediate report. MacLeod and Amanda told the story and both boys gave a sigh of relief. They hadn’t doubted that Victoria would win, but they were still happy by the news that she had.

That evening, Victoria woke up in her bed to find her head cradled comfortably in Justin's lap. For a second she lay there sleepily, an idle smile curling her lips as she felt Justin's fingers work through her hair.  The the events of that morning came crashing down. She gave a startled cry and sat up. Methos jumped up from the armchair where he had been reading and was instantly at her side. Justin also sat up from the pillows he'd been leaning against, and both held her as she cried in horror at what she had done.

"I didn’t want to kill him," she whispered. "I never did."

Part 9
Seacouver, Washington
Tuesday, June 16, 1998

Victoria awoke again with a start to find herself still in bed, dressed in her pajamas and most of the blood on her face and leg had been cleaned off. Justin was now curled up around her back and Methos was still reading across the room.  Both of them also sat up when she did.  She raised her eyebrow at Methos and Justin.

"You died of blood loss in the car on the way here," Methos said. "We knew that an injury like that takes a while to heal, so we cleaned most of the blood up and got you changed.  Do you remember waking up?"

Victoria looked confused. ""

Justin smiled, glad that her emotional trauma seemed to have also healed with that bout of semi-consciousness. "We’d already put you in bed, and right after you came back to life you fell asleep."

"Oh," Victoria said.

Methos rubbed her back gently. "Why don’t you go get a shower, and we’ll make something to eat."

"Okay," Victoria said, quite willing to let the two men take care of her. She got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Victoria emerged from her room dressed in clean jeans and a T-shirt. Sitting down at the table, she immediately dug into the plate of cheese pizza Methos set before her. She hadn’t expected a home cooked meal - she knew Justin could not cook worth beans and Methos didn’t really like to.

"So I guess we know what effect a Quickening will have on you now," Methos said.

Victoria glanced up and hastily swallowed. "What’s that?"

"Sleep," Justin answered.

"But I died," Victoria pointed out.

"I think that was more from your injuries than the Quickening," Methos said. "I’ve never heard of an Immortal dying from one."

"You know I always have a ton of energy after a Quickening," Justin volunteered. "We’re all different."

A few minutes later, the medium pizza was completely gone. "Ready to head over to the dojo?" Methos asked. Victoria nodded and put on her trenchcoat.

Sliding her sword into the scabbard, she said. "Thanks for cleaning my sword."

Justin finished shrugging on his brown leather jacket and put his arm around Victoria’s shoulders. Giving her a squeeze, he said, "No problem, love."

Methos opened the door for them. "How cute," he muttered as they passed. Victoria turned towards him and made the motion of grabbing for her sword. Methos ducked by her after shutting the door. Victoria and Justin chased the older man down the three flights of stairs and out to the Volvo, laughing all the way.

When they arrived at the dojo, Justin’s car and Victoria’s bike were parked outside. Sitting on the ground by the bike were Kenny, Elizabet, and Kane, along with Mike and Paul. Methos nodded to them and went inside, leaving Victoria and Justin to talk.

Elizabet jumped up and gave Victoria a hug. "Now you can say you’ve had a Quickening," she said when they all sat down.

Victoria gave a wry smile. "I don’t think it’s anything to be proud of."

Kenny shrugged. "But it’s what we do."

"How many heads have you taken?" Mike asked Elizabet.

She raised her eyebrows. "Do you really want to know?" Mike nodded his head, and she could see that he took the idea as seriously as she did. "Two."

"I’ve taken five," Justin said.

When every looked at Kenny, he shrugged. "I have no idea."

"Thanks for bringing my car over," Justin said suddenly. Paul pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Justin.

Mike laughed. "Thank Amanda. She’s the one who had to pick the lock." The group lapsed into a companionable silence. "So what are you going to do now?" Mike asked.

"Leave," Kenny answered sadly. "Kane and I are dead, and Justin and the girls will have too many questions to answer."

"We were talking a few weeks ago," Paul said and gestured to the other mortal boy. "And we agreed that no matter what happens, you guys will always be the best assignments I've ever had, regardless of whether it was official or not.  And you’re not assignments anymore.  You’re real people with real lives.  That's the best training I could have ever had.  I know that I will be keeping track of you as long as I'm with the Watchers."  He grinned and pulled five envelopes out of his pocket, handing one to each of the Immortals.  "In the future, if you ever need an adult," Paul explained, "I’m sure you guys will be able to find the nearest Watcher headquarters. Just give them the envelope, and they’ll contact me."

There were thanks and hugs all around. "We have to go," Mike said. Elizabet instantly pulled him into an embrace. "I know this doesn’t mean much," he whispered. "But I do love you."

"It does, more than you know. I love you, too," she answered before pulling reluctantly away. The two groups separated, the Immortals going into the dojo and the two boys walking down the street. The last Mike ever saw of Elizabet was as she blew him a kiss before the door closed.

Each of the young looking Immortals into the dojo and the adults in the office came out to meet them. They all congregated in the center of the room.

"Congratulations, Victoria," Amanda said.

"I still don’t think killing someone is anything to be proud of, but thanks," she said.

"So where do you want to go?" MacLeod said. He knew that it was no longer a question of whether they would leave at all.

Kane and Victoria looked at each other. "Paris," they said in unison. "I still have to pay my respects to Darius," Victoria continued.

Kane shrugged. "And I’m with you until you decide you can’t teach me anymore. Besides, I’ve always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower."

"I may head back to Australia," Justin said. "I haven't been back to Full Circle Ranch in a few years.  That's the one Victoria and I own," he explained.

"Victoria, can you also take me to Avalon?" Kane asked suddenly. "You’ve talked about Wales a lot, and I kind of want to see it."

Victoria nodded. "Sure." She glanced at Kenny and Elizabet. "Want to join us?"

"Why not?" Kenny said. "I’ve been on the move for the past fifteen years. Time to stop."

Elizabet thought for a moment. "Erin, the RoseBlade who was here this weekend, said that everything was doing fine, so I’ll stay for a little while, too."

"Sounds like you guys have a plan," Greg said. "Good luck."

"If I make the reservations for the plane trip to Paris, can you handle it from there?" MacLeod asked. All five nodded.

"Thanks, Mac," Victoria said.

"So you’re leaving," Methos said. "Keep in touch, Toria. I really did miss you all those years."

"Okay," Victoria said. "I missed you, too." She and the others started to leave. "Arthur?" she called before walking out the door. Methos looked at her. "Thanks," she said, knowing that the full extent of the word would encompass everything she needed to say.

He nodded and smiled.  That was all she had ever needed to say.

Part 10
Paris, France
Friday, June 19, 1998

Victoria cautiously walked into the cemetery behind Darius’ old church. She looked around and finally saw the Immortal’s grave. With tears running unheeded down her cheeks, Victoria stopped in front of it and sat down on the soft grass.

"Hi, Darius," she said softly. Then she heaved a sad sigh.  "This is really strange, talking to you like this. I’m so used to sitting at your table with a cup of mead. So I hope you’ll excuse me if I’m acting a little strangely.

"Well, I’ve been living in the States for a little less than a year. We had to leave, though. You wouldn’t believe what happened. But I did finally meet that Duncan MacLeod you were always raving about. He’s pretty cool.

"I took a student. His name’s Kane Nalamas. I think you’d like him. He became Immortal when he was fifteen. He’s here with me in Paris, along with Justin, Kenny, and Elizabet. Kenny’s taking him to the Eiffel Tower right now. All five of us are going to hit the Louvre tomorrow. And no, we’re not going to steal anything."  Victoria smiled a small smile in remembrance of all the fights she and Darius had had about her "activities".  " Justin’s back at our flat right now. He’s making our flight plans for Sunday. He’s going to Australia, and the rest of us are heading up to Avalon. Elizabet’s at RoseBlade headquarters. She’s probably gotten roped into helping out with something, so I don’t expect to see her until late tonight. But now it’s almost five and I promised to meet Justin for dinner." Victoria sighed. "I miss you, Darius." She started to get up, but sat back down.

"I want to tell you this. I know you don’t approve of killing, but I had to do this. It was William Boyle, my cousin. He helped destroy the stone circle in Wales. I just wanted you to know that I didn’t want to kill him either. But I have to say that the thing that scared me most was that I almost liked it. Any other Immortal would say that it’s something in our nature, but I think you’d understand.

"I’ll try to come back before I leave. And I’ll make sure to visit you whenever I’m in Paris. Bye, Darius."


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This page was last updated: 6.18.4 ~jlg~